
The aim of Cultivate Wholeness Training is to promote personal and cultural regeneration by offering impactful developmental experiences. We acknowledge that ‘what we are made of is the stuff of nature’.

Cultivate Wholeness Training acknowledges that: ‘Eco collapse brings with it ego collapse. Fundamental advances in our collective psyche are now imperative. We cannot repair the earth without healing ourselves and our relationship with the rest of life’. (Duane Elgin in Choosing Earth)

Our programs are inspired in part by the Soulcentric principles of the Nature Based Map of the Human Psyche – as developed by Bill Plotkin and the team of the Animas Valley Institute (AVI) of Colorado.

Cultivate Wholeness Training does not offer or promote AVI programs – please refer to soulcraftanz.com for AVI programs in Australia and New Zealand.

The Nature Based Map of the Human Psyche is founded in wisdom teachings from around the world; using the seven directions – north, south, east, west, up, down, and center – it describes the facets of innate human potential, illustrates the ‘Self’, and identifies the qualities of nature that can be found in each direction. The immature forms of these are defined as ‘subpersonalities’, that work to hijack and distort our psyche.

The first premise of this work is that the key to healing and to growing whole is not suppressing symptoms, eliminating wounds, or eradicating subpersonalities, but, rather, cultivating our wholeness – the horizontal wholeness of the Self as well as the vertical wholeness offered by our relationship with Soul and Spirit.

The second core premise is an affirmation that there’s a vital and synergistic relationship between cultivating personal wholeness and building life-enhancing cultures.

The third premise clarifies the imperatives of a healthy, mature culture: protecting the environment; developing adequate numbers of true adults and elders to nurture, educate, and initiate the next generations; creating or revitalising cultural practices; and protecting the wholeness of the culture’s individual members.

Enriching your life begins with engaging your self.

Cultivate Wholeness Training is a trading name of David Mallard Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN: 64 159 303 563) (ACN: 159 303 563).

Something about us:

David Mallard

An extensively experienced trainer, coach, mentor, guide, adviser and consultant. David is a member of the Soulcraft ANZ Inc leadership council, and is co-founder and President of Melbourne Men’s Group Inc. He is also a student in the professional Wild Mind Training Program of Colorado’s AVI. He is a certified Rebirthing/Breathwork practitioner (2003 by Beyond the Ordinary Pty Ltd), holds a Cert. IV in Training & Assessment and has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

He also has extensive senior executive leadership experience working closely with Boards, CEO’s, executive leadership and in leading and transforming teams. Over the journey, David has also facilitated, coached and guided people in hundreds of personal growth meetings, workshops and seminars.  David is inspired by the ‘moments of grace’ that arise from guiding people into a place of personal insight and transformation – this inflection point is where ‘his great joy meets the world’s great need’.

Rob Engels

A PACFA-certified somatic psychotherapist and counsellor. He specialises in trauma-informed awareness practices that dissolve the root causes of suffering to liberate the freedom, authenticity and wholeness that is rightfully yours.

His work runs deep. It goes beyond the surface layer of stories, inviting you into an experiential, embodied understanding of your core wounds so that you can tend and safely heal them. Using powerful inquiry practices, he also helps you access and resolve the mostly unconscious subpersonalities that work against your full human flowering.

Shane Galloway

Almost 10 years ago, I began remembering  the critical importance of tribe and the way of council! I joined the Melbourne Men’s Group and subsequently their  leadership, team – assisting as support in deep dive personal growth programs, such as Man’s Inner Journey and Awakening the Conscious Man. I’m currently a group facilitator and contribute to the design, development and facilitation of  workshops.

More recently, I’ve been exploring my soul journey with the Animas Valley Institute on programs such as the Soulcraft Intensive, the Wild Mind Intensive and Nature and the Human Soul Intensive. I’m all about keeping it real! I found this work out of necessity and quickly realised its power! I am deeply honoured to be able to give back. I endeavour to walk in my authenticity, remain open and vulnerable, to share my story, (especially the struggles) permits others to do the same. All in the hope that others find the same healing and self-empowerment I have found!